Cloud Hosting Preserves Data During Disaster Strike


With the advancement in technology our lives have been made much simpler and today we cannot imagine any specter of our lives where technology is not used or integrated. In this technological era, where everything is digitalized, the question of security always daunts us. We cannot let our data be compromised at any cost as now everything is interlinked and so a slight leakage can do us big and unrepairable harm. So how to preserve data when distress occurs? Let’s find out.

What is cloud hosting?

Ever since there has been storage of data in any form, there has also been an equally important need to protect that data. Cloud hosting does exactly that but in a much more scalable and agile manner. You no longer need to maintain hardware, physical servers, or storage devices to protect your data from theft, leakage, or deletion.

Cloud hosting helps in virtualizing the hardware, network, and storage of data which can then be distributed and delivered simultaneously to multiple users. It is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) delivery model that provides virtual hosting services.

Cloud to the Rescue

Whether it is the data breach like that of Sony, a power outage, a natural disaster, or a hard drive failure, it has become extremely important to restore the services in case of a disaster. The traditional methods to recover data were time-consuming and expensive, but with the cloud, it has become quite easier to recover the data in an efficient manner as it provides a backup infrastructure.
The off-site duplication method that was earlier used to back up the data in case of emergencies was way too expensive for the companies to implement. The infrastructure needed for such a strategy was quite expensive.

Now with the cloud, a client pays only when the services are actually used and you back up your applications in the cloud. This eliminates the need for the bulky infrastructure and saves time and money. It also provides you with various options from where you want to back up your data and you can also use multiple data providers. It is easily implemented and has higher reliability.


Thus, cloud hosting is an effective way to store and recover your data in times of disaster. It is scalable, easily implemented, available at all times, and is not a blow to your budget as it does not require any capital expenditure from your side.

Veeble has been a major player in the Web Hosting Industry since 2009. With highly passionate team we have been providing web hosting (openvz vps & xen vps) services in 130+ countries. Contact Us to host your own website and let the world know the ideas you want to share.


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