WordPress Gutenberg, a short Intro

WordPress Gutenberg is nothing but the brand new WordPress editor, released on Dec 6, 2018. It was previously introduced as a plugin however, with the launch of WordPress 5.0, it became the core editor of WordPress. The main intention behind replacing the classic editor TinyMCE with Gutenberg was to simplify the process of creating rich text pages.

When talking about the differences between the classic editor and WordPress Gutenberg, the classic editor had a single text box with some editing tools, with the arrival of Gutenberg these text boxes were replaced by blocks. The main specialty of Gutenberg is that it features block based editing. This technique allows you to build a page entirely by using blocks.

Block-Based Approach

This new block-based approach can give you a much more refined editing experience. Like, it can increase your control over the content displayed in your post. This certainly is a futuristic approach, in terms of WordPress publishing. Each block can be used for adding images, videos, columns, gallery, paragraphs, buttons, etc., to your page. When you add a new item, it will be included in a separate block. By this way, you can fully customize your page.

The new editor also eliminated the need for shortcodes, bulky content block plugins, and separate page builders, thus decreasing the overall load time of WordPress sites. With blocks, you can both customize as well as define a definite layout to your content. Besides this, you can move or change the size of each block independently.

The Impact

One of the greatest strengths of Gutenberg is that it gives you an idea about how the finished page is likely to look like even while you are still editing. In addition to this, you can switch between text and visual editor in each block without leaving the editor. The new Gutenberg Editor also offers you a smoother mobile interface as it has been designed to work on both computers and smartphones.

Despite the fact that WordPress Gutenberg was designed to enhance the user experience, some of the old users may find it hard to catch up with it. However, this shouldn’t be one of your concerns, because it is also possible to revert to the classic editor if you are not fully ready for the new one.

As a whole, the arrival of the new Gutenberg editor is actually a positive change as it made it possible to compose more visually interactive web pages. This could help you create a complete website from nothing but drag and drop functionality.  Plus, this also lessens your dependency on business models as it allows you to create and edit web pages on your own. To achieve the same functionalities with a classic editor, you would actually need a great deal of development knowledge. And all these things bring us to WordPress Gutenberg.

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